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Solar Thermal

At home we need Hot water for bathing and washing.
Industries require hot water for various processes including space heating and climate control.

Solar Hot water systems are the best choice for domestic as well as industrial use.  They are more efficient when compared with Solar PV in converting the suns energy into useable energy.

A typical Domestic hot water system consists of a Solar Thermal Panel (1, 2, 3 or even 4 panels are used for a single system).  The other important component is the Solar Tank.  This is where hot water is stored.  It is thermally insulated and is the equivalent of a Battery in a PV system.

Although there are two basic types of Panels - Evacuated tube type & Flat Plate type - the Flat Plate Collector is more commonly used.

Each Panel is approximately 2 square Metres.
It generates the equivalent of 5 KWh of electricity on a typical Sunny day in most parts of India.  (The generation will vary by geography & season).
If we compare this with a 2 square metres of Solar PV panel; a PV panel generates about 1 KWh of electricity.

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